Ep. 2: Building on the Ruins of Rome

We begin the story of the Magna Carta centuries before in 476 A.D. Upon collapse of the Western Roman Empire, Germanic tribes migrate west and begin to build their own kingdoms on the ruins of Rome. Yet, Roman law, including parts of Justinian’s Code, is adopted and preserved in some areas. In this episode, the historical landscape of Western legal tradition is discussed.

Magna Carta Series Bibliography

About the author

The Catholic Esquire is a traditional Catholic who attends the Traditional Latin Mass and holds a Juris Doctor degree, Bachelor of Arts in Economics and is a licensed attorney who has litigated cases for fifteen years. "Esquire" is still a term commonly used to refer to attorneys at law in the United States. It was originally a feudal rank in the Middle Ages just below a knight, which reminds modern Americans that our Western cultural heritage is rooted in a well-ordered society dating back centuries.